Home South America 6 Delicious Snacks and Foods to try in Colombia
6 Delicious Snacks and Foods to try in Colombia
Swiss Ser October 07, 2020 0
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Colombia is known for so many things other than its Colombian snacks and foods. It has the most beautiful beaches, friendly locals and stunning national parks. But once you finished all the sightseeing, there are still a couple of delicious snacks you need to try when travelling to Colombia.
The first thing that I noticed about Colombian food I believe is that everything seems to be fried. And I absolutely love fried food so that is great. Here are my favourite foods/snacks/drinks that I have had in Colombia and that you should try as well if you ever get the chance to visit this beautiful country.
Where to go in Colombia? Check out this perfect 3-week Colombia Itinerary!
Bandeja Paisa
This is not a snack really but a full dish that probably is enough for two or three people. The size of this dish is enormous. This dish is especially famous in Medellín and the Paisa region. It is a mix of a variety of foods as you can see on the picture below. It usually includes rice, red beans, arepas, fried egg, avocado, chorizo, pork , ground beaf and much more. Like I sad it is a lot. But super delicious!

Torta de choclo
This is a snack that you can find at for example a market. It is some sort of corn cake served with cheese in most cases. I am not totally sure what it is but it very delicious to say the least.

You have probably heard of empanadas before. The first time I had tried them was actually in Panama, so it is not like they are only available in Colombia. They are famous in most of Latin America or Spain as well for example. Empanadas can be found all over Colombia, also sold at street vendors. They usually have beef empanadas, cheese or chicken empanadas and more.

Arepa is a sort of cornmeal cake that you will encounter all over Colombia. They often sell them on the street with butter on top or cheese and they are so good. So now these are probably not the classic ones but just filled with random things just like a kebab but the most delicious ones can be found at Arepas Colombitalia in Cartagena. It is located in the neighbourhood of Getsemani.

Limonada de Coco
I know this is not a snack or food but it is too delicious not to mention it. There are two different types of Limonada de Coco, one is made with water and the other one with milk. If you ask me, the one with milk is way better but both of them are great. You can order Limonada de Coco in most bars or find them on street stalls.

The first time I tried these was in Spanish school, when they just bought Obleas into our class, topped with Arequipe sauce and cheese. Ever since then, I have been trying to buy some more of these because it just tasted so good until I finally found them on the main square in Salento. Again with arequipe and cheese of course.

Would you like to try these Colombian foods and snacks? Which ones have you tried?
Talk to you later x

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