Through the eyes of…..Sarah Anagnostou

Our photography discovery of the week is 19-year-old Sarah Anagnostou from Minneapolis. She’s traveled around Spain, France, Mexico and all over the US. Especially striking are her beautiful photos from Iceland and the Grand Canyon. Since I am currently preparing a road trip through the States which will take me to the Grand Canyon, I wanted to particulary share with you guys Sarah Rosemary’s extraordinary photographs of her own road trip to the great GC. Looking at these images, I can almost feel the freedom of the open road and the mountains.

Sarah clearly has a special eye for photographing landscapes and sceneries in a special way so I asked her to share some advice on travel photography with us. She responded:

“My biggest pointer to traveling photographers is not to take photos that you could find on Google.  If you’re in Paris, don’t take the same photo of Notre Dame that you could see anywhere. Take photos that mean something, that capture the impermanent as opposed to the permanent. Don’t allow your camera to distract you from what you’re doing. Be there. And when something happens that frames itself as a photo, then take it. I think my favorite photos I’ve taken are of people I love, of moments that would have otherwise slipped into the fabric of an evening, of a trip, of a day– for me, the photo is a manner not of recording my location, but preserving the feeling of a moment.”

Check out the photos below and make sure you visit her flickr for more gorgeous shots.


If you travel and take photos of the new world you see around you, please join our travelettes flickr group and upload your favorite travel shots. We will feature the best ones on the website.

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