How to get from Da Nang Airport (DAD) to Hue Vietnam

How to get from Da Nang Airport (DAD) to Hue Vietnam

A cab to the airport to the bus terminal bound for Hue. Make sure the taxi is metered and it should be around 90,000 Dong plus 10,000 entrance fee to the terminal and the driver claimed it is illegal to drop you outside the gates. They will try and scam you here don’t pay more that the meter says because they push the plus 10,000 dong button when they pay and then they try and add it later too!

Watch the driver closely! Or if you arrange it at the taxi stand at the airport (should be 100,000 VND) make sure you know if this fee is included or not.

Related Article: Hue Vietnam Guide

*When looking for the best price and biggest selection of hotels in Hue check prices on, we’ve found they are the best option and have a great cancelation policy.*

Recommended Hotel in Hue – Midtown Hotel

How to get from Da Nang Airport (DAD) to Hue Vietnam

You should be on constant lookout in Vietnam because you are likely going to be scammed or overcharged every time you get in any kind of vehicle, that is one thing I won’t miss about Vietnam.

How to get from Da Nang Airport (DAD) to Hue Vietnam

How much does it cost by bus to get to Hue, Vietnam?

Once at the bus station head to the desk labeled Hue, the drivers will try to get you to get on and pay them, and likely charge you more. The set and posted fare is 60,000 Dong per person to get from Da Nang to Hue.

Scam alert: They will try and tell you that you have to pay for your bags too, this is a scam, don’t pay. They tried telling me my bag was going to cost twice as much as my seat.

How to get from Da Nang Airport (DAD) to Hue Vietnam

The ride is only about 100 KM, but the drivers will try and pack on as many people as they can and ‘troll’ the streets until they are way over full. Our bus went less than 5 KM in the first 40 minutes until they were full (even the plastic seats in the middle of the isle), just crawling along at speeds less than 15km/h. Gotta love Vietnam!

Sounds like fun right? Well, it’s not and it’s even less fun if you are not Vietnamese size. Hannah (at 5′-9″) wasn’t even able to get her knees in the seat, so I was more than in the uncomfortable.

There are other means of getting to Hue that are more expensive but I can’t say I would ever do it this way again.

Cab the whole way: We had an offer from our cabbie from the airport to take us all the way to Hue instead of the station for 1,000,000 Dong. We did not entertain the idea but if we would have know how painful the bus was going to be in would have tried to negotiate. If it is like anything else in Vietnam the real price is less than half of the first price if not a quarter, but since we didn’t take it I can’t give an exact figure.

There is train service also available and it’s said to be scenic but slightly more money.

Related Article: Best Vietnam Destinations

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