SEO Powersuite Review and Tutorial + Special Offers

 Exclusive Offers For MasterBlogging Readers

  • Free 1-month license to use SEO PowerSuite without any charges
  • 10% discount for SEO PowerSuite lifetime license

How often do we cross paths with an SEO tool which encompasses the entirety of the SEO essentials within itself?

Not often.

So when I got my hands on the SEO Powersuite, I was hyped to give it a try.

And being honest, was quite skeptical about it the first few hours, considering how every Tom-Dick & Harry launches an SEO product these days.

But after spending some time with it, and actually using it, I must say I bowed down.

That’s the primary reason why the idea of scribbling this SEO Powersuite review crossed my mind, or else I wouldn’t waste my time with a tool that came up short of anything than completely blowing my mind away.

Now I, by no means am claiming it to be the “best of all” or the “supreme” SEO tool, nope no such claims here (nor do I contradict the statement), instead consider this SEO Powersuite review to be a purely “Experience-sharing” piece, where I just take you on a journey of what the tool is and how it works. Whether to go with it or not or if you even need it, is completely your choice. 

What is SEO Powersuite?

SEO Powersuite is an SEO tools’ bundle. It’s like a one-stop solution to all our SEO needs in most cases, and comes bundled up with:

All these tools help you tackle and improve your SEO game and take it up a notch.

Here’s an overview of what are the solutions it brings to the table.


What are its SuperPowers? 

The primary selling point and point of attraction for SEO Powersuite is that it’s a bulk-problem solver.

It takes care of a number of things:

  • checkComplete and detailed Competition Analysis
  • checkRank Analysis (SERP reports)
  • checkComplete On-page report and solutions to make it better.
  • checkBacklinking solution (reports, spy on your competitors’ links, analyze your own backlinks).
  • checkDomain analysis

And it’s just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the possible and available features with SEO Powersuite.

So see? It didn’t cut any corners, I can’t think of anything else that SEO comprises of, but SEO Powersuite hasn’t addressed the factor, isn’t that right?

Enough said I’ll stop beating the drum now and get you a front-row seat at each of the tools, individually, in detail extreme detail! 


SEO Spyglass

It’s the tool which primarily gets on-page metrics for any domain you enter.

The perfect spy tool to get a hold of link-sources, domain-strength, anchor-text and just about anything else you need for the URL.

Simply enter the URL you wish to analyze in the URL box.

backlink research report

And in a matter of seconds, the URL is dissected into bits and pieces, and a backdoor into the site’s secrets is opened.

The tool has 4 individual sections:

  • checkBacklinks Profile
  • checkDomain Comparison
  • checkDomain Strength
  • checkReports
SEO Spyglass tools

Backlinks Profile 

The Backlinks profile section gets you every single detail about the site’s backlinks.

These details include:


It includes the complete overview of the site’s backlinks.

The number of backlinks, number of referring domains, IPs, Backlinks progress, break-down of backlinks according to different TLDs, countries and what not. 

What I’m trying to say is, if there’s a detail about backlinks, it’ll be here, period!

Competitor Backlinks Profile


This is another sub-section of the “Backlinks Profile” section. It individually shows us the exact link sources, title, linked page, anchor-text, type of link (no-follow, do-follow), and found dates!

Backlinks Profile

Ah, exhausting details, aren’t they?

There’s more data there then we possibly need to outrank our competitors in most cases, and nope I’m not singing praise-songs, the screenshot speaks for itself, doesn’t it?

Linking Domains 

The linking domains section gets us better and deeper insight into the backlinks.

Details such as the exact URL, number of backlinks, no. of do-follow backlinks, and even domain IP.

linking domains

And it even allows additional details such as to which page exactly that link is linking to, along with its anchor-text and page title.

Anchor text page title

Anchor & Pages 

And finally, the anchor & pages section gets us the details for the anchor texts the URL uses, along with all the complementary data that a backlink has (# of backlinks, type of link etc).

Anchor and Pages

On the top, if you click on the “linked pages”, it shows you which page has been linked with which anchor text.

Linked Pages anchor text


SEO Spyglass has got the backlinks section covered for one. And it’s just “one” of the features we’ve discussed so far.

Domain Comparison

It’s a feature which lets you compare a number of domains with the primary URL you have entered.

For e.g. I’m taking some of Neil’s top competitors, and here are the results which show up.

Domain comparison

Okay honestly, I’m brimming with data right now! Every single piece of information that’s even remotely related to a domain is right there.

It includes Domain age, # of links, anchor text diversity, Ip-Addresses, C-blocks and what not!

Domain Strength 

And finally, there’s the Domain-strength section which gets you an overview of your domain strength, which is based on # of backlinks, indexed pages on search engines and couple other metrics.

Domain Strength

So that’s all the sections that the SEO Spyglass covers. Let’s head over to the next tool in line, Rank Tracker.


Rank Tracker

The Rank Tracker is a tool which monitors your keywords and gets you data regarding their rankings on the search engine.

Now I personally have spent quite a fortune on this one single feature, paying well over $50/month simply to keep track of my rankings.

So that’s one more problem getting solved right here.

While setting it up, it asks us to specify the exact search engines and countries we wish to monitor our rankings on.

The good thing is, we get to select more than just one search engine!

Choose Preferred Search Engines

The setup process is easy, and takes 60 seconds at best!

The dashboard gets us the following data:

  • checkNumber of Searches
  • checkGoogle Rank
  • checkYahoo Rank
  • checkBing US Rank
  • checkRanking Pages
  • checkAnd visibility in terms of percentage!
Keywords and Rankings

But well that’s not all that the Rank Tracker does. It also has the superpowers to get you additional data, such as:

Rank Tracker Features

  • checkRank Progress (shows you ups and downs for your keyword).
  • checkSERP Analysis
  • checkVisibility
  • checkAnd even Keyword Difficulty!

As the above screenshot might well illustrate, every section is data-rich, for e.g. the Keyword difficulty section in the above screenshot has a complete overview of your competitor’s rankings.

It shows you competitors’ URLs, links to the page, On-page score, Alexa rank, social signals as well as domain age.

This is more than enough to gauge how hard or easy it’s going to be to beat that specific keyword.

You can also switch to the “Ranking summary” section to get an eagle’s view perspective on how well (or not so well) your keywords are performing in general without digging in much into the details.

Ranking summary

In a nutshell, the Rank Tracker tracks your rank, and I’d say it does a pretty good job at it.

There are other sections such as Domain Strength and Reports, but those are essentially the same options available with any other tool bundled with SEO Powersuite and we’ve already discussed them in earlier sections. 


Website Auditor

This one is a personal life-saver for me, as I remember paying well over $100 to SEO agencies in my earlier days simply to get an audit done.

As the name suggests, it audits your website and gets you actionable Intel on the same. This dashboard is broken down into three primary sections:

  1. Site Audit
  2. Pages
  3. Content Analysis 
Website Auditor

1. Site Audit 

This section gets you a detailed and categorized breakdown of your site’s overall health and status.

It’s broken down into a number of parts, and each of these sections contains segments which when clicked reveal additional information in the right sidebar.

Site Audit

The primary sections are:

  • check
  • checkRedire​​​​cts​
  • checkEncoding and technical factors.
  • checkURLs
  • checkLinks
  • checkImages
  • checkOnPage

That obviously covers everything, simply select the area you need to get an insight into, select the exact factor, and check the right sidebar for the info.

Although on the top-bar, it also summarizes the page as a whole, showing you your Errors, Warnings and any special info.

Errors Warnings

2. Pages

The pages section gets you a list of all your pages, along with the page Title, HTTP status code, number of outbound links, number of Inbound links as well as word count.

In short, it gets us an overview of individual pages on the whole website.

There’s a lower-sidebar to the dashboard, and it gets you the detailed insights into the anchor text of links, alt-tags of images, broken images, number of images without alt-tags and all other such details.

Detailed Insight of linked pages

These details can be used to amp up your page in the next couple minutes as now we’re pointed towards what needs modifications or improvisations! 

3. Content Analysis 

Another side-kick bundled up with the Website Auditor is the Content Analysis tool.

It has couple side-kicks of its own:

Page Audit: It basically lets you choose your focus keyword, and shows you how well optimized the specific page is, for that specific keyword.

For e.g. in this example, I chose “Affiliate Marketing” for a post related to Affiliate Marketing plugins, and here’s the result it got me.

Page Audit

As you can see, it’s the same thing as “Website audit”, it’s just that this one if for a single, specific page.

Content Editor: This is a next-gen tool, as it shows you the metrics for a certain page of yours on the left-sidebar, and you can optimize the page right there by simply editing the content.

Content Editor

And finally, there’s a “Reports” section, which sums up everything about your or your competitors’ page right there.

Competitors Reports

Wrapping it up, the Website Auditor is one hell of a tool, it’s like getting a team of SEO professionals, without actually having to pay 10 different people! 


Link Assistant

It’s the complete “backlinking acquisition” solution, it facilitates verification of the quality of backlinks, analysis of backlinks and even Outreaching for better backlinking prospects!

In other words, it helps you hunt down sites which are linking to your competition, or are relevant to your niche/industry and are worth getting a link from, and then helps you garner a link from them.

Additional services include a white-labeled report should you need it, E-mail correspondence from inside the tool etc. 

You simply add the URLs you consider potential prospects, and then automatically send them a series of E-mails, pitching for backlinks (guest post, or any other material for that matter), and with the right kind of subject line and content, your chances of landing at least some of these are pretty good.


You can also click on the “Prospect Quality” button on the top-bar to gauge how valuable exactly the link would be!

It brings forward a number of metrics for the domains, including:

  • checkSocial Strength​​​​
  • checkAlexa Rank
  • checkIndex Pages
  • checkDomain Age etc.
Prospect quality

It even lets you hunt down prospects, and has a very systematic way of doing so. 

Simply click on the “Look for Prospects” button on the top-bar, and select your purpose from the popup. (It’s immensely helpful not just for Bloggers like us, but also if you’re a company looking for reviews or forum listings!)

Look for Prospects

Bottomline, you won’t have to worry about scavenging new links anymore. If not always a direct hit, it at least eases things up a bit.

Other Notable Features: 

It’s not just the “features” they’ve worked on.

There are other immensely helpful features as well, including:

  • checkExport Data! (Export everything related to your research for future use, or send them to a colleague maybe?)
  • checkSave Research (So you don’t have to go through the process time and again).
  • checkWhite-label reports.
  • checkPrint directly from the tool
  • checkSchedule tasks on automation! 

Pricing Plans: 

Another feather in the cap of this SEO Powersuite review is that, even though it’s brimming with features, you don’t necessarily have to shell out bucks from your pocket.

Meaning, they offer a 100% free plan as well, with a free license, for as long as you need. It obviously has lesser data, but enough to get you an idea of its superpowers!

And once you’re satisfied with the product, you can go for the paid plans:

SEO Powersuite Pricing

Special offer for BloggerTipsTricks Readers 

In case you’re happy with what is being offered by the tool, and decide to go with it, feel free to you our special link crafted especially for you folks.

It’ll get you a special pricing plan including:

  • check1-month free license!
  • check10% off for lifetime on any other license! 

For step-by-step process on how to avail these offers, go to my SEO PowerSuite Discount page.

SEO Powersuite

SEO Powersuite Special Offers


 Exclusively For BloggerTipsTricks Readers

SEO PowerSuite is all-in-one SEO software that helps you promote your website to the top positions in any search engine.

  • Free 1-month license to use SEO PowerSuite without any charges
  • 10% discount for SEO PowerSuite lifetime license

Final Verdict 

So that’s a wrap as far as this SEO Powersuite review goes folks.

I believe I’ve tried my best to bring out a clear, honest, and real-time review of what the tool is and how it works.

Finally, if you ask me if it’s worth it, all I can say is, personally for me it’s a life-saver.

It’s saving me quite a few bucks by making sure I get all the required tools under one roof and don’t have to pay half a dozen different companies.

But hey, that’s a completely subjective view.

What I can say for you is, go out and give them a try, I’m sure you’ll get a better verdict of the tool after giving their free plan a try!

What have you got to lose?

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