Virtuoso Best of the Best Helps You Experience the Exceptional

BoB_2014_Final_Cover_75The 2014 edition of the definitive guide to the world’s finest luxury hotels and destinations is out.  Virtuoso Best of the Best shows what you’ll experience at more than 980 Virtuoso hotels and resorts.

Each property listing provides an overview and an insider tip – either from a Virtuoso travel advisor who has experienced the property or from someone at the property itself. These tips offer valuable insight to enhance your stay, including recommendations you may not find anywhere else.

Each Best of the Best listing also reveals what you’ll get as a complimentary amenity for booking with a Virtuoso travel advisor, such as a resort credit or a meal. All Virtuoso hotels and resorts offer these value-added amenities, as well as preferred rates and availability, room upgrades when available and breakfast for two daily.

New this year: discover Exceptional Experiences to enhance your stay. Best of the Best features 32 pages of excursions that your Virtuoso travel advisor can arrange and customize. Here’s a sneak peek at a few:

Worlds ApartWorlds Apart

  • In Paris, the owner of one of the world’s most exquisite collections of artists’ jewelry opens her apartment to show you exceptional pieces by Picasso and other acclaimed talents.
  • In New Zealand, head to the source of the country’s finest wines and produce, starting with a private tour and tasting in Marlborough Wine Country.

Brazilian BountyBrazilian Bounty

  • Join one of the city’s famous samba schools, singing and dancing in costume to the rhythms of the world’s biggest Carnival celebration.
  • Explore the area around Caraíva, a traditional fishing village, aboard a fisherman’s boat, then sample deep-fried pastries before trying stand-up paddle boarding.


Greek Odysseys


Greek Odysseys

  • Join Greek families as they pick the vines and celebrate the annual harvest with traditional music, food and last year’s vintages – you can even stomp grapes with your bare feet.
  • Hop aboard a helicopter and visit the monasteries of Meteora, with a stop at the archeological site of Delphi to explore the Temple of Apollo.

If you’re ready for an Exceptional Experience or a stay at any of Virtuoso’s hotels and resorts listed in Best of the Best, a Virtuoso travel advisor can customize your next trip.  Visit and search using the Meet Your Advisor function.




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